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Postby pastorables » May 3rd, 2012, 3:29 am

Full Quiver wrote:I am surprised that you are such a Bush fan seeing that HW Bush called multiple times for a New World Order and was in fact the head of the CIA for years. hmmmmmm

Sure, the Bush's are wonderful. Dang, HW couldn't even beat Clinton though we know that Reagan would have beaten him in a landslide.


George Washington called for a new world order as well. You are digging up an entirely different can of worms that transcends political aisles. An allegiance that allows for Republicans, Democrats, and even Czars to run naked through the trees in California singing their blues away.


We all know the real reason Clinton, even with his baggage from Arkansas, beat Bush.... are you ready?

Wait for it.... wait for it....

wait for it.....

He could play a SAX... :band: :lol:
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Postby dawgs10 » May 4th, 2012, 7:56 am

The either you are for us or against us vote does not fly with me. I will not vote for who ever the parties serve up. I am not an Obama supporter. Although business without restriction, hire and fire at will can and sometimes is as immoral as abortion or any other sin. Sin is Sin. I refuse to over look greed just as much as I refuse to over look murder. So you can see my personal predicament.

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Postby paul » May 4th, 2012, 1:10 pm

dawgs10 wrote:Although business without restriction, hire and fire at will can and sometimes is as immoral as abortion or any other sin. Sin is Sin

Sorry, your above statement does not make any sense at all and I have followed the thread, so I respond in context.
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Postby jason » May 6th, 2012, 9:36 pm

Congratulations on your sure reelection. We conservatives are too ideologically pure to understand the electoral process. We insist that our candidates meet every litmus test imaginable, pass theological muster and we would rather have them jump through all our hoops than be electable, even though it costs us election after election.

Pastor Gary,

You have a very realistic and refreshing understanding of the political process. And you are correct that a slavish dedication to ideological purity will be a hindrance to removing Obama from office. However, it appears that your pragmatism is a fading virtue in Republican/Conservative circles.

Was it not the aggressive conservative Christian political movements of the 1980s that helped form the ideology of the current GOP? It seems that in some ways the current hard-nosed ideological Draconianism of the Republican party is only playing out the simple cause and affect principle.

The old line, non-religious conservatives saw a political opportunity in courting the religious conservatives and used them to win elections. But, in the process the pre-Jerry Falwell Republicans began to lose influence and control to those who would rather pursue Cultural Revolution within the party than protect liberty and ensure domestic tranquility for the nation. Today the fractures and ideological pogroms appear to be weakening the party's influence and diluting the message of limited government and fiscal responsibility.

Is the GOP today not merely "paying the piper" for it's perhaps compromised and opportunistic dealings in the past?

PS- Yes, it's been a long time. No, I don't lurk. Popping in here tonight was truly the proverbial wild hare.

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Read it again.

Postby dawgs10 » May 7th, 2012, 3:37 pm

The republican party stands against abortion. While at the same time promotes overwhelming greed and believes rich equals happy. Sin is sin.

paul wrote:
dawgs10 wrote:Although business without restriction, hire and fire at will can and sometimes is as immoral as abortion or any other sin. Sin is Sin

Sorry, your above statement does not make any sense at all and I have followed the thread, so I respond in context.

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Postby Full Quiver » May 9th, 2012, 4:59 am

dawgs, MANY folks should be fired for their poor work ethic but statements like yours above makes it hard for employers to do good GODLY business. Firing a poor employee is a Godly thing and is BIBLICAL!

Bleeding hearts do not equal the Word of God.

Murder is punishable by death in the scriptures; firing a lazy, slothful, tardy, thieving employee IS! It's sickening that you think that employees can consistently commit the works of the flesh on the clock and that employers MUST put up with it or be labeled greedy sinners.

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Postby oletimer » May 9th, 2012, 5:15 pm

dawgs10 wrote:
The republican party stands against abortion. While at the same time promotes overwhelming greed and believes rich equals happy. Sin is sin.

Dawgs this is liberal hog wash in its purest form. I most likely know more rich Dmocrates and liberals then I do rich republicans. Kinda like some that complained about the farmers with their mouths full of food.

Come on get real and stop drinking liberal cool-aid. Its not real stuff.

Them that have money can spend it, them that don't have money can't. Them that have money have kept me in business for years now.

Something else the liberals need to realize is that when the flow of money is cut off [the kitty goes empty] how do you then take care of all the need of the poor and dead beats. I not calling the poor dead beats, but rather a lot of people and dope addicts that could work but want. They work the system and surpport their habits.

I have also seen where someone that has worked and then because of things beyoung their abilities have to fight for years to get help and then a dope head walks in and get the help. Things are out of control and the Ted Kennnedys and Nancy P. and Joe Biden and yes Obama and you can surely name more are resposable for this.

To say that if you can't vote for Obama, then you can't vote in nothing more the HOG WASH.

To say that you can't vote for a man that became rich the old fashion way and think that he is out of touch is HOG WASH also.

PS. If any of you get mad with for saying this and is still mad by morning better read the bible. The sun has already set. I can assure you that I don't get mad, but do wonder why some think the way that do.
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Postby RamboPreacher » May 12th, 2012, 5:37 am

life first. priorities. If all candidates but one support abortion, then I will vote for the one. this one issue alone says much about a candidates world-view and paradigm of life. All other issues for me are secondary or tertiary.

Thanks, Brent "RamboPreacher" Hoefling

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life first. priorities.

Postby jason » May 12th, 2012, 7:43 am


If all candidates but one support abortion, then I will vote for the one.

Hypothetically speaking, are you saying that if one candidate is pro-life and the others are not you could overlook all other issues and vote strictly for their stance on abortion?

I would love to hear other opinions, also. Abortion isn't a hot topic in the news or campaign rhetoric right now but I'm curious as to how much it will influence the vote in November.


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Postby TW » May 13th, 2012, 7:41 am

dawgs10 wrote:The either you are for us or against us vote does not fly with me. I will not vote for who ever the parties serve up. I am not an Obama supporter. Although business without restriction, hire and fire at will can and sometimes is as immoral as abortion or any other sin. Sin is Sin. I refuse to over look greed just as much as I refuse to over look murder. So you can see my personal predicament.

Please learn to differentiate between the political world that that is the reality of the world today, and the "moral world" that the church represents. With any vote cast within the political world (for any office; local, state, or federal) you are making a choice between two or more flawed candidates. You must try to find the candidate that most closely mirrors your views. There will always be a compromise as no candidate will match your views exactly. You try to pick the one that will do the least amount of damage.

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I sincerely hope

Postby Phil Hoover » May 21st, 2012, 9:04 am

people do not stay home for this general election...if so, we will see Barack Obama re-elected.

I'm not fan of Mitt Romney...but I'll hold my nose and vote for him if that's the only alternative...and it is.
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I dislike Barack Obama

Postby Phil Hoover » May 21st, 2012, 9:12 am

as much as I disliked George W Bush....

The incompetence of both men is absolutely astounding. How either man could win a national election still baffles me.

We lived through eight years of "Bubya", so we can live through Barack Obama....

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Re: life first. priorities.

Postby RamboPreacher » May 22nd, 2012, 9:12 am

jason wrote:RamboPreacher,

If all candidates but one support abortion, then I will vote for the one.

Hypothetically speaking, are you saying that if one candidate is pro-life and the others are not you could overlook all other issues and vote strictly for their stance on abortion?

I would love to hear other opinions, also. Abortion isn't a hot topic in the news or campaign rhetoric right now but I'm curious as to how much it will influence the vote in November.

yes. acknowledged. A sad, but true place in my heart that the current worldview (culture) places so little value on human life that especially this time of year, it becomes a political topic.

even having this be a topic is telling of our current culture, and I am disgusted.

as for the politics, I said this in another thread:
RamboPreacher wrote:unfortunately our GOP-mindset of anyone but Obama and anyone but Biden, will probably lose the ballot for us.

now, don't get me wrong I vote based on a set of priorities that has little to do with partisan issues. but the unity that the liberal/left side (usually Dems) has will trump the conservative/right, since we have lack of unity and the division of libertarian-GOP-constitutional-independant vote makes our "bipartisan" way, really weak for us.

it is usually ends up being a vote for Dem, or a vote for one of two or three other parties, and the dems will majoritize over the other three conservatives.

I don't like it, no sir, I don't.
Thanks, Brent "RamboPreacher" Hoefling

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Postby MacUser » May 24th, 2012, 5:13 am

MacUser wrote:Ok..sorry couldn't hold back ;)

Full Quiver wrote:PA, if you are called to pastor a church and refuse to do so then you will be accountable for every soul at that church or who would step foot in that church and if you disagree I point you to the book of Jonah.

Gulp... mondo Covenant Confusion. It's NO condemnation in Christ Jesus. Nothing trumps that. Zip zero nadda.

Full Quiver wrote:MacUser, The New Covenant or the New Testament states clearly that pastor's WILL give an account for the sheep entrusted to them. No way around that. Let's not toss around the "no condemnation in Christ Jesus" verse without regard to sin not saying that not voting is sinful.

( Wrong thread I know )
Full Quiver. I will gladly, gleefully, exuberantly, toss around the No Condemnation in Christ! Because that is exactly what it is. Who He IS!! Zip Zero Nadda. NOTHING TRUMPS CHRIST! If you are placing anything above this... then you are saying that something YOU DO is greater. Paul says you can only live/reign in life by "receiving this truth"

Your original quote.. pointed to the Book of Jonah. We're not under that covenant in the slightest. So don't be confused. It doesn't apply to me and my relationship to God. I am free from the basic principles of the universe according to Paul. My righteousness comes thru Christ, my perfection thru Him and Him alone. Not whether or not.. I answer to some organizations call to minister.

Now.. I did say.. "Listen to the Spirit" and let HIM lead and guide you. If he says go minister somewhere.. then "Go Minister" - be an ambassador for CHRIST. Not out of any duty or obligation.. but because you LOVE your Father period. The one Jesus revealed.... the one with NO CONDEMNATION thru Him. The Savior with a message of reconciliation... because HE TOOK the punishment. Zowie.

How did Jesus, GOD MADE FLESH, deal with the woman accused? Whom condemns you? Neither do I.. He said. Jesus core message was that he didn't come into the world to condemn it.. but THRU HIM.. whoo... hooo... it might BE SAVED!!

See.. if you don't get this MONDO underlying revelation of Jesus fact... You will be eternally manipulated. If you do get the true FREEDOM in Christ. It's liberating and everything you then do isn't from obligation.. it's from LOVE.

Now.. back to Politics as usual.

God Bless!
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Postby oletimer » May 24th, 2012, 6:19 pm

MacUser wrote:
How did Jesus, GOD MADE FLESH, deal with the woman accused? Whom condemns you? Neither do I.. He said. Jesus core message was that he didn't come into the world to condemn it.. but THRU HIM.. whoo... hooo... it might BE SAVED!!

Joh 8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

If it were just you I would not have comment on this as you sail on your sea of ill reverence. You ideal of salvation difference from how I read it in the bible. All that Christ did had with it stipulations that goes along with our covenant of faith. The fact that Christ saves us does not in its self gives a free hand to do what ever we want unless it is to like Christ.

I think that James says it best when he said;
"Jas 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also."
We can't earn our blessings by works, but by our works and obedience we confrim our faith covenant with Him.

He does the forgiving, but we have to ask for forgiveness thru repentance, (turning a way from).

When I read your post with its "woo hoos and raa raas", it makes me think that your apinion is that life is a blast with out any restiction to it, but it does. Pauls life was a testimony to the fact that living is more then a "wooo hooo". How many times was he beaten, stoned, and jail and even left for dead once. The early desicples new that living for Christ carried with it often hardships and trials, but their freedom was not to be measured in this life in the goal and the promise of life eternal with Him for ever. Now with that I can "woo hoo". My dimes worth God Bless
God Bless

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