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The Benefactor

Posted: September 15th, 2004, 9:49 am
by mary
Okay - I hate to even admit this :oops: but my husband and I actually watched the whole hour of the Benefactor last night.

Out of all the reality shows, I think this is the dumbest one. But I was hooked the whole hour - even while I sat there complaining about it.

So - has anyone else viewed this program? :?

Posted: September 15th, 2004, 2:45 pm
by Sherry
I'm with you, it ranks up there with one of the dumbest reality shows of all time. Mark Cuban really bombed on this one. :roll: Good thing he has money to fall back on! :wink: Come on, a game of Jenga to see who stays or goes? :roll: That was so stupid. Won't be watching that again!

Posted: September 16th, 2004, 2:39 am
by mary
Yeah. I couldn't believe that. My husband and I were both shocked that he would take it down to a game of Jenga.

Anyways. . . .won't be watching it again. Hated it.

Goes to show you, if you have 5 billion dollars, you can have your own tv show - even if you stink as an actor. :roll: